
Military miniatures have an undoubted power of evocation of the past, while they bring us back to, in Rilke’s words, our true homeland, childhood. A wargame is nothing more than a sophisticated version of the tiny soldiers games of our childhood, when history and adventures were indissolubly linked together. And as it could not be otherwise, 1898 Miniatures is born with the aim and the desire that grown children like us imagine the past playing with our miniatures.

To this end, as unfortunately specific rulesets for the Cuban War of Independence and the Spanish-American War are non-existent, we will propose scenarios and adaptations of the currently most popular rulesets to this exciting historical period, plenty of possibilities from the point of view of wargaming: no quarter given mambi ambushes in the Cuban manigua to the cry of ‘al machete’, raids in the trochas ‘with lead and torch’, assaults to entrenched tagalo villages in the heart of the jungle of Luzon where ‘one gets tired of killing’, actions against the ‘moor’ pirates of Joló and Mindanao or courageous defenses in the face of overwhelming American superiority, who immediately regarded the Spaniards “magnificent enemies”. All this in the form of free articles by seasoned players of the wargame scene.

Wargame In Defense of the Homeland. The Spanish-American War in Puerto Rico with Black Powder

Wargame The Cubans Who Would Be Kings. Wargaming 1898 Spanish-American War

Wargame The Filipinos Who Would Be Kings. Wargaming 1896-1902 Philippines War


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