Spanish Tercios range update
It's been a long time since we announced our new range of Spanish Tercios 28mm miniatures, but we could not think of a better time to update the information than the Spanish Armed Forces Day, and to show you how advanced the designs are. Here go some pikemen, and soon...
Today is #31EneroTercios, or Tercios' Day, perfect timing to announce our forthcoming range, Spanish Tercios miniatures in 28mm! Without leaving aside our current 1896-1902 Spanish-American-Filipino Wars –there will be some new releases soon!– we start a new range...
New Spanish and American mounted colonels and command groups
Hello! The first batch of new releases of 2019 includes one Spanish and one US mounted colonels, but hey, with just one pack of each you can get a lot of variations. Take a look! US14-US Mounted Colonel This could be a perfect complement to any army to be used in...
"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." Alexander the Great The following news are now available at our online store PE2-Lt. Gen. Arsenio Linares Veteran of the Cuban rebellions and the Carlists Wars, in...
Andrés Bonifacio, Katipunan Supremo
Andrés Bonifacio y de Castro (1863-1897) was undoubtedly one of the heroes of the Filipino insurrection against Spain, a radical leader who knew how to mobilize the masses in favor of the struggle for Philippine independence. Born into a humble family, the son of...
Hi there! it's been a long before news from us. As a matter of fact we experienced some troubles with the guns 3D designs. We didn't liked the first models once printed and decided to do them all over again. An this is the amazing result of the new 3D prints! Working...
Happy Christmas!
It's Christmas time, and in 1898 Miniaturas the celebration is double, since we have just completed our first year of activity! For a small brand like ours, specialized in an obscure period such as the 1898 Spanish-American War, it has been a year full of challenges,...
US and Spanish Artillery soon available
The first 1898 Miniaturas artillery sets will be soon available at our online store, including two M1897 3.2-inches guns with aiming and firing crews respectively and a Spanish Krupp M1896 75mm mountain gun. Each set will include one artillery piece and four...
New releases: Americans 1898-1902
The first batch of Americans for the Spanish-American War (1898) and its continuation in the Philippines (1899-1902) is already available. These six packs are also included in our new premium collection plus a free Theodore Roosevelt exclusive miniature. US1-US...
Vara de Rey at El Caney
1898 Miniatures is pleased to present our vignette of Vara de Rey at the battle of El Caney, inspired by the statue of the general in Ibiza. The set consists of two miniatures and a base, and is already in preorder in our online store. [gallery...
Gregorio del Pilar, the Boy General
Gregoiro del Pilar y Sempio (November 14th, 1875- December 2nd, 1899) was one of the youngest generals in the Philippine Revolutionary Forces during the War against Spain and the Philippine-American War, that's why he was known as the “Boy General”. He died at the age...
Friar Cándido Gómez Carreño, parish priest of Baler
In the Mausoleum of the heroes of Cuba and the Philippines of the cemetery of the Almudena of Madrid, between figures like Eloy Gonzalo, hero of Cascorro, or Vara del Rey, hero of El Caney, rest the remains of a Franciscan friar from Madridejos who united his destiny...