28mm miniatures for wargamers, painters and collectors for the Thirty Years War, Colonial Warfare and the Dark Ages.


Free contents on History, uniforms, modeling, painting and wargame for the Thirty Years War, the French Foreign Legion and 1898 Cuba and the Philippines Wars

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News about 1898 Miniatures & History, modeling and wargames on the Thirty Years War, French Foreign Legion and 1898 Cuba and the Philippines Wars

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

On November 30, 2016, eight years ago, we started the journey of 1898 Miniaturas. In a miniature hobby world dominated by fantasy and sci-fiction (which we also love) and in which digital design and 3d printing were already beginning to burst with force, setting up a...

Visigoths now available!

Visigoths now available!

The first three references of our new range of Visigoths miniatures in 28mm are already available, consisting of a chieftain plus two packs of armoured warriors, with which to represent a warlord and his noble heartguards: spatarii, wardens or leudes perfectly armored...


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